Unified Theoretical Information Physics

Information Physics: Closing Gaps, Opening Perspectives


Publication briefs

Publication type: Scientific Report
Author: Rui A. P. Perdigão
Date: 2020, August 1st
Title: Information Physics: Closing Gaps, Opening Perspectives
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46337/200801
Indexed: Yes (Crossref)

Cite as

Perdigão, R.A.P. (2020): Information Physics: Closing Gaps, Opening Perspectives. https://doi.org/10.46337/200801.

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Methodological Keywords: Information Physics, Information Theory, Complex Systems, Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Physics, Non-Ergodic, Chaos, Entropy, Emergence, Synergy, Coevolution, Causation.
Applied Keywords: Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Earth System Dynamics, Hydrologic Dynamics, Hydrologic Analytics.

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A summarized version of this work was orally presented at the SITES 2020 Flagstaff Virtual Workshop on August 3rd, 2020, focusing on the linkages to the recent WRR debate paper Perdigão et al. (2020) and underlying advances. Some slides were made public at the GeoInfoTheory website (external link).

The overall workshop revolves around Information Theory in the Earth Sciences, from classical frameworks and applications to emerging pathways to drive the science forward.

In this latter regard, our novel take on Information Physics beyond its traditional approach of information-based physics provides not only a fundamental conceptual and methodological advance but also opens new perspectives to retrieve and characterise elusive information beneath and beyond the statistical “radar”, including in non-ergodic far-from-equilibrium coevolutionary systems where the system symmetries and invariants no longer conform with the traditional information-theoretic and dynamical system metrics.


Our novel theoretical physics of information and complexity goes beyond Information Theory by not only aptly capturing statistical features and interconnections, but also the entangled dynamics underneath, including in far-from-equilibrium coevolutionary settings where the traditional invariants of motion do not hold.



Related works from the author:

  • Perdigão R.A.P.; Ehret U.; Knuth K.H.; Wang J. (2020): Debates: Does Information Theory Provide a New Paradigm for Earth Science? Emerging Concepts and Pathways of Information Physics. Water Resources Research 56 2 (2020): http://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR025270.
  • Perdigão, R.A.P. (2018): Polyadic entropy, synergy and redundancy among statistically independent processes in nonlinear statistical physics with microphysical codependence. Entropy 20 1 (2018): https://doi.org/10.3390/e20010026.
  • Perdigão, R.A.P. (2018): Synergistic Dynamic Theory of Complex Coevolutionary Systems. 2018. DOI: 10.46337/mdsc.5182.
  • Perdigão, R.A.P. (2017): Fluid Dynamical Systems: from Quantum Gravitation to Thermodynamic Cosmology. https://doi.org/ 10.46337/mdsc.5091.
  • Perdigão R.A.P., Pires C.AL., & Hall J. (2019): Disentangling Nonlinear Spatiotemporal Controls on Precipitation: Dynamical Source Analysis and Predictability. https://doi.org/10.46337/mdsc.5273.
  • Perdigão R.A.P. (2020): Synergistic Dynamic Causation and Prediction in Coevolutionary Spacetimes. https://doi.org/10.46337/mdsc.5546.