Fluid Dynamical Systems

Publication briefs

Publication type: Research Monograph [Book]
Author: Rui A. Pita Perdigão (R.A.P. Perdigão)
Date: September 2017
Title: Fluid Dynamical Systems: From Quantum Gravitation to Thermodynamic Cosmology.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46337/mdsc.5091
Set: Monographs on Dynamical Systems and Complexity (M-DSC)
Indexed: Yes (Crossref)

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Perdigão, R.A.P. (2017): Fluid Dynamical Systems: From Quantum Gravitation to Thermodynamic Cosmology. https://doi.org/10.46337/mdsc.5091.


Methodological Keywords: Complex Systems, Dynamical Systems, Information Theory, Information Physics, Fluid Dynamics, Predictability, Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Differential Geometry, Fractional Differential Geometry, Chaos, Entropy, Turbulence, Emergence, Synergy, Coevolution, Critical Transitions, Extreme Events.
Applied Keywords: Quantum Gravitation, Thermodynamic Cosmology, Earth System Dynamics, Geophysical Sciences, Socio-Environmental Systems, Hydrodynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Quantum Computation, Decision Support, Natural Hazards.

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Synopsis (in www.fluiddynamicalsystems.com)

A research and academic program on Fluid Dynamical Systems has been introduced by Prof. Dr. Rui A. P. Perdigão, entailing his generalised class of dynamical systems beyond the classical ergodic stochastic-deterministic paradigms. Rui’s advances have brought out a unified mathematical physics of coevolutionary complexity, bridging nonlinear statistical physics, analytical mechanics, functional analysis, theoretical thermodynamics, information theory and differential geometry in a unified framework.


Rui Perdigão’s Fluid Dynamical Systems: from Quantum Gravitation to Thermodynamic Cosmology, provides a detailed account on that ongoing journey reshaping the foundations of mathematical physics, along with interdisciplinary applications.

The scientific relevance of Fluid Dynamical Systems ranges across the dynamics, analytics and predictability of complex coevolutionary systems — beyond the classical notions of fluid mechanics and beyond the traditional paradigms of stochastic dynamical systems.

The fundamental mathematical versatility of Fluid Dynamical Systems enables the unified treatment of diverse problems ranging from quantum electrohydrodynamics to the coevolutionary earth system and astrophysical dynamical systems, shedding fundamental mechanisms and governing principles across spatiotemporal scales.

Special relevance arises from its central role in providing fundamental physical understanding and dynamic predictability to critical phenomena such as extreme events, including “black swan” behaviour unforeseen from past data records and from the ensemble of possibilities spun by classical dynamical system theories. We are taken on a journey to unveil hidden predictability in seemingly unpredictable phenomena.

Mathematical applications are also explored, ranging from advancing the kinematic geometry of space-time manifolds to the non-local differential geometry of fractal structures, and providing a more fundamental analytical background to probability theory, nonlinear statistics and information theory, including in far-from-equilibrium and non-ergodic coevolutionary settings in nonlinear statistical physics following recent advances by the author and program coordinator.

Engineering applications covered in the program include dynamic model design and decision support in the wake of environmental hazards and fluid-structure interaction challenges in a coevolutionary world. Moreover, they include structural-functional design and traffic optimisation for telecommunication and transportation networks.